Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tit for tat

I'm very disapointed. Every day I toil away at this blog and what do I get in return??-- a few stray comments from my mom and dear SIL, which I appreciate very much, by the way, but come on, there's got to be more of you out there. I mean here I am, my own brother is going under the knife tomorrow, but I'm still on here blogging for you- my public. Is it so unfair to expect a little something in return? A simple comment here and there?
So, I've decided that its time for a little tit for tat. If you're not going to participate in this blog then you know what?? Neither am I. I've told you before and I don't mind to tell you again- this relationship is a two way street. So instead of posting an actual post tonight-- and believe you me you are missing out BIG TIME because there is scads of stuff going on in Randinoland right now, stuff that would knock your socks right off if I posted it. But you chose this path for both of us. For all of us, I daresay. So instead of an actual post, I am posting this- an excerpt from my favorite book Shopoholic and Sister by one Sophie Kinsella-- my favorie author. I know that in some circles this would constitute plagiarism but at least I have quoted my source and am not trying to pass it off as my own work. Hope you enjoy!
(This is chapter nine-- by the by. The part where Becky finds out that she has a long lost sister. The plot really begins to thicken).

For the past week I haven't been able to sleep. Or concnterate on anything. All I can think about is the fact that I have a real, blood sister.
At first I felt totally shaken up. Its OK for mum and dad: they've had weeks to get used to the idea. But to find out that dad had an affair years ago... and got somebody pregnant... I never thought that Dad was like that, to be honest.
But he's been really sweet about it. The day he and Mum came round to tell me, he could see I was a bit shell shocked. So he sat down on the sofa with me and told the whole story. He kept reiterating that this happened before he even met Mum, and that he had no idea he'd fathered a child... (skip a paragraph)... And today I'm going to meet her!
Just the thought makes me exilerated and jumpy all at once. How will we be the same? How will we be different? What will her voice be like? What will her clothes be like?
"Do I look OK?" I ask Luke (her husband) while anxiously surveying my appearance in the mirror. We're in my old bedroom an my parents house, and I'm putting the finishing touches to my meeting-my-long-lost-sister outfit. Its taken me several days, but after a lot of thought I've decided on my most falttering Seven jeans, some boots wtih spiky heels, a gorgeous pale pink March Jacobs jacket and a Tshirt made ages ago for me by Danny (her gay friend/designer).
"You look great," Luke says patiently.
"Its like balancing formal with informal," I explain. "So the jacket says 'this is a special occasion' whereas the jeans say "we're sisters so we can be relaxed with each other, and the Tshirt says.."
I pause. Actually, I'm not sure what the Tshirt says, apart from "I'm friends with Danny Kovitz", and I'm not even sure thats true anymore. He hasn't called back, eventhough I've left two messages.
"Becky," says Luke, "I honestly don't think it matters what you wear."
"What?" I wheel round in disbelief. "Of course it matters! This is one of the most important moments of my life! I'll always remember what I was wearing the day I meet my sister for the first time. I mean...you remember what you were wearing when you met me for the fist time, don't you?"
Luke looks blank.
He doesn't remember?? How can he not remember?
"Well I remember," I say crossly. "You were waring a gray suit and a white shirt and a dark green Hermes tie. And I was wearing my short black skirt and my seude boots and that awful white top which made my arms look fat."
"If you say so." Luke raises his eyebrows.
I smooth down my Tshirt. "I just want to look right. Like a sister."
"What do sisters look like?" Luke asks, looking amused.
"They look... fun! And friendly. And supportive. And like they'll tell you if a brastrap is showing."
"Then you look exactly like a sister," Luke says, kissing me. "Becky, relax, you'll be fine."
I know I'm a bit wound up. But I just can't seem to get over the idea of being a sister after being an only child for so long.
Not that I've minded being on my own or anything. Mum and Dad and I have always had a great time together. But sometimes I've heard people talking about their brothers and sisters and wondered what it was like. I never thought I would actually get to find out!
What's really spooky is that all this week, I've suddenly been noticing sisters. They're everywhere! For example, the film Little Women was on telly the other afternoon- and right after was a program about the Beverly sisters. And every time I've seen two women together in the street, instead of just noticing what they were wearing I've thought"Are they sisters?"
Its like there's a whole world of sisters out there and finally I'm part of it.
Thats it for now, I'm getting tired of this typing thing. If you want to read more you shall simply have to read the book. Thats it for today. Good day and good night.


Unknown said...

Hi Randi; Its me again, mom; I rather read articles you write but if you must use exerpts from this book-print the stuff where she is planning and imagining what she and her sister will be able to do together!Being a sister,is totally all it is cracked up to be,
depending on the sister!
I will be here for you, should you need ,as your brother puts us all thru hell, including poor Lo--Just for a NOSE Job, ( I think he is going for the small upturned type!!)
we must stick together! Together thru these next few days we shall find strength!
Please people, submit your comments as I sense an overwhelming sadness at only Sorowski ramblings! MaMa

Lorrie said...

At least the bigwigs like Ford comment. If the top exec. at a big Fortune 500 company like that can take 2 minutes to comment then you'd think that your lowly blood sharers and non alike could. Oh well, the world is filled with assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

In reference to Lorrie's comment who is she refering to when she says assholes???
Sorry have I not commented lately, and I would hate to see you boycott your own blog. So I will do my best to keep on the comments. Your brother Trent is also on my mind today. I think he will look adorable with a turned up nose! Love you and keep writing
Aunt Gail

Lorrie said...

Not you Gail...the assholes to which I refer are people like JENNIFER Aniston, NIKKI Taylor and Crystal GAIL. Just kidding...those people are all fabulous. It's Jenn C. and N.Straker that are the aholes, ahhahahahahaha! Love you all...peace.